Antibody to a Low-frequency Antigen - Important or a Nuisance?

From the 2023 Joint Annual Meeting (recorded 6/27/2023)
Presented by Colleen Hinrichsen, MLS(ASCP), SBBCM, DLMCM

This session provides useful present-day case presentation(s) of uncommon findings, such as the detection of antibodies to low-frequency antigens.

At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss RBC low-frequency antibodies (LFA)
  • Discuss LFA and their varying levels of significance.
  • Discuss approaches on how to handle scenarios when blood is needed quickly.

ASCLS is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. One-half (0.5) P.A.C.E. ® contact hour in the area of IH (Immunohematology) will be awarded to participants. ASCLS P.A.C.E.® is accepted by the ASCP/ASCLS/AGT Board of Certification and all states, including Florida and California, as an approved provider of continuing education for recertification and licensure. ASCLS is an approved provider with CE Broker for Florida licensees.

This Intermediate-level program is appropriate for laboratory professionals working in clinical, public health and academic settings.